Students of the 2nd experimental junior highschool of KIlkis presented their innovative idea to the Mayor of Thessaloniki Konstantinos Zervas. The students have created a virtual business that produces smart, mini-greenhouses for the rooftops of houses, with built-in solar panels in order to face the problem of the lack of greenery in urban centers.”It would be interesting to place such constructions in buildings of the Municipality of Thessaloniki”, said Mr. Zervas and shared with the children his experience of the green roofs and the urban vineyard of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, giving them food for thought so as to examine all the parameters of such a plan.”Together with the executives of our company, we contributed to the implementation of the project both in terms of marketing and in terms of contact with some experts in the field”, said Asimina Tzika, CEO of ELVIAL, who worked with the children as an inspirational mentor.